Tale of the Three Trees

The folktale tells about the aspiration of an olive tree, an oak tree and a pine tree.

The olive tree dreamed to be a finely crafted treasure chest. “I want to hold precious gold and stones," claimed the olive tree.  Then one day, a woodsman chose the olive tree and cut it down. The olive tree was so happy but then he realized he was being made into a manger to hold animal food in a smelly stable. He felt worthless and discouraged.

Now, the Oak tree dreamed of becoming a mighty ship, carrying powerful kings. When the woodsman cut down the oak tree and worked on him, he realized that the woodsman weren’t making him into a mighty ship, they made him into a tiny fishing boat. The oak tree felt demeaned.

The pine tree on the other hand dreamed to always stand tall and remind people of God’s great love but in a split second, a bolt of lighting sent it to the ground and his remains was carried to the scrap woodpile ; destroying the pine tree’s dream. The three trees felt that their dreams were shattered and that they have lost their worth but God has other plans for them.

On one starry night, a young woman and her husband found a stable and she placed her newborn baby in the manger. In that instant, the olive tree knew he was holding the greatest treasure in the world - baby Jesus, The Son of God. Years later, Jesus needed a boat to cross to the other side of the lake. Of all the boats, He chose a small fishing boat. Yes, it was the oak tree. The oak tree wanted to carry important kings but God had better plans, the oak tree now carried the King of kings.

Not forgetting the pine tree; on one Friday morning he was picked up from the forgotten woodpile. He thought the Roman soldiers were coming to cut him up for woodfire but they cut it to half and formed it into a cross. And it was on this pine tree that Jesus was crucified. To this day, the cross is still pointing people to God’s love.

Initially, the three trees felt that they had lost their value and worth but God made them took part in the greatest story ever told. So the next time you feel discouraged and hopeless, let’s be reminded that God hears your prayers, sees your situations and knows your aspirations. Hold your head up high and know that God is in control and He has a better plan for you.

Isaiah 55:9
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.


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